Booking Trips Through Trusted Travel Sites
Holidays fall into one of two camps. Either truly memorable with fantastic locations, good hotels and excellent service….. or they are quite the opposite, with flight delays, dreadfully over booked hotels and food poisoning as an additional little treat. I have to say that my family have never been very adventurous travellers. We tended to have camping and caravanning jaunts to favourite spots in the UK and on a couple of really exciting occasions, over in France. Today’s youngsters almost insist on their rights of passage by travelling down or up the Mekong river or the Yantzi – the days of touring Europe on a shoestring are well behind us. Today’s students and undergrads now spend their time researching the cheapest way to travel the world and seem to have a bucket list of places they must see before they even start their careers. Having a really good, favourite travel site is imperative. They need to be able to trust that what they think they’re buying, they actually get. With the reputable sites, this is generally the case and if not, the company will intervene and resolve the problem. Proper booking sites belong to the appropriate trade associations and carry bailbonds to ensure funding is in place if something goes wrong.