Coach Trips Allows Best Possible People Watching
Knowing how to get the most from a foreign holiday is a subject close to my heart. A few years ago my immediate family only ever had caravanning holidays in this country – my partner was of the opinion that it was a great waste of scarce resources and time to be taking ferries or planes to europen sites. It took at leat 3 days off the holiday just for travelling and don’t get him started on the subject of customs inspections at the port . . . . So now that I’m a single traveller again I can choose what kind of holiday I want. I have always liked coach tours – where you sit high up and enjoy all there is about the country you travel through and to fascilitate this, someone else is doing the driving and commentating. It can mean long travel days, but there are always interesting folk to get to know and people watching can best be served on a european coach trip!