Family Gifting Can Be A Trill A Minute

Ah the wonderful summer season of cricket, tennis, holidays, football . . . . football??  Yes, well this year we have the world cup going on in Russia.   What a great festival it seems to have been so far – none of the anticipated trouble that seemed ominously present last time.  The crowds have not […]

Out Of Eurozone With Vacation Venues Too

Ah these days with the exit from europe making a very jerky but sure way through, it seems odd to be constantly looking for our next holiday in the sun.  This used to be always somewhere like the Costa Brava or Costa del Sol areas.  Benidorm or Ibiza, Majorca etc. were the places to be […]

Getting The Happy Shopper Habit Under Way

When we need to step on it and get a move on, the temptation to cut corners can be immense.  For example, I set myself a target to use supermarkets far less and to walk to the stores, using my handy wheeled trolley.  I do this very often, it is wonderfully therapeutic, allowing me to […]

A Little Of What You Fancy Does You Good

There is definitely something special about the arrival of spring time.  However overdue or reluctant it feels at the time.   We don an air of fun and expectation ourselves – things have to be brighter than the winter offered, surely?!  This winter in particular has been seriously grim with unbelievably poor weather conditiond throughout most […]

Teaching The Seniors To Embrace Online Gift Browsing

Boy it’s been a hard winter to date – as far as weather is concerned anyway.  We’ve had the lot.   Torrential rain for weeks, giving way to fog, into sleet and snow.  Then that started to thaw just as the freezing temperatures returned overnight and added to this have been tremendous stormy gust of wind, […]

Kicking The Shortcake Habit With Online Shopping

I was staying with friends for the Christmas break – great fun it was too.  We all seemed to received an inordinate amount of chocolate and scottish shortbread biscuits.    No one used to worry a jot about obesity or heart disease.  We used to try to get rid of all the bad stuff by new […]

Gett Up To Speed With Shopping Advice Sites

When you have to buy a lot of varied things for family and friends at say, Christmas and birthdays, it can be totally overwhelming for the average joe in the street.  I do have chums who have got married and apart form the usual conveniences of that happy state, it also brings the added benefit […]

Avoiding Hustle & Bustle Can Only Be Done Online

I have never really been one for traipsing around a crowded shopping mall for christmas gifts.  It seems such an entirely false way of continuing the idea from the three kings and the shepherds!  Theirs were such simple gifts but these days there is an amazing frenzy around the middle of December.  I find my […]

Indoor Market Prompts Sourcing Ideas Online

A recent visit to the very south west of the country brought unexpected pleasures in the retail therapy department.  holidaying with the family, a couple of expeditions to the main town were in order.  There was an indoor market unlike anything I’ve visited before – all kinds of stalls selling everything from smart and practical […]